Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes (Porto)

KISMIF International Conference: Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes
13-17 July 2015, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto & Casa da Música, Portugal.

The submission of papers for this conference is open to academic researchers working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, geography, urban planning, media and cultural studies and cognate disciplines, including design, illustration musicology, popular music and visual and performing arts.

The conference organizing committee welcomes abstracts relating to the following topics:

  • Developments in social theory around networks, flows, art worlds, musical fields, artistic fields, underground music scenes
  • Historicity, genealogy and diachrony of music scenes and art worlds from the post-war period to the present day
  • Researching music: methodological challenges and dilemmas
  • Subcultures, tribes, neo-tribes and underground scenes
  • Contradictions and tensions between the underground and mainstream
  • DIY Careers: alternative forms of musical, artistic and cultural entrepreneurship
  • Style, aesthetic and musical corporeality
  • Music scenes, art worlds: aging and gender
  • Memory, technologies and the cultural and creative industries
  • New intermediate and artistic production in the city and space
  • Territorial mechanisms on music production, intermediation and consumption
  • New dynamics of social inclusion through music and underground art practices
  • Music and arts for social change, the arts and arts communities as part of urban culture
  • Pedagogies and methodologies based on the underground
  • Practices of resistance, and contemporary countercultural youth identities
  • New social movements, music and other artistic scenes (local and global)
  • Punk, post punk, metal, electro, funk, rap, hip hop: new musical and artistic boundaries
  • Experimental music and new ethnographies of meaning
  • Music scenes, DIY, liminality and public spaces
  • Gatekeeping mechanisms, reputation building and (de)territorialization of cultural scenes
  • Migrations, diasporas and identities: the role of music through the world

Submission of abstracts: 05 Nov 2014 – 15 Feb 2015

[update 19.02] Abstract submission extended till 15 March 2015

Call for Papers