Pod koniec września 2015 roku w Wiedniu odbędzie się szósta edycja Vienna Music Business Research Days. Tegorocznemu wydarzeniu będzie przyświecać hasło: financing music in the digital age.
Głównym celem cyklu spotkań jest: ” (…) to bring together scholars from all disciplines and interested music business professionals in Vienna every year in order to present their findings and exchange ideas about it.
Music business research is a new scientific approach at the intersection of economic, artistic, especially musical, cultural, social, legal, technological developments that aims at a better understanding of the creation/production, dissemination/distribution and reception/consumption of the cultural good music. It follows an inter-disciplinary research and teaching approach that is characterized by methodological diversity”.
Pełen program wydarzenia dostępny jest TUTAJ.
Kiedy: September 29 – October 1, 2015
Gdzie: Joseph Haydn-Hall, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna in cooperation with Waves Vienna Music Festival & Conference